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Thursday, May 18, 2017


Hello my beautiful friends!! I can't believe how quickly time is flying, its already almost summer. Since the weather still goes from cold to warm , it makes outfit picking confusing. But like ALWAYS I come up with something pretty cray. So this time since the weather has been so cray from hot to cold. I decided to take full advantage and paired A SHAWL WITH MY OFF SHOULDER dress. Yes you're reading this right! Pretty crazy right? I couldn't have found a better excuse to wear such a fun combo like I did with this outfit. When I was having this photo-shoot a lot of people stopped and complimented me so I guess my outfit isn't as crazy as I thought it was. A lot of people seem to be admiring this unique pair of outfit. I'm so glad I did went with this look, what's a outfit? If you don't have fun with it. Right? LOL 
Thank you all for stopping by and I hope you all guys liked this look. 
Have a fabulous weekend. 

Dress: Chicwish 
Shawl: Banana Republic
Heels: Macys
Purse: Chole Nordstrom 
Glasses: Chanel Nordstrom 
Necklace: Ann Taylor